Descent of Jesus from heaven to earth


In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

A Quranic document about the descent of Jesus from heaven to earth at the time of the revelation of the Imam of time.

وَ يُكَلِّمُ النَّاسَ فِي الْمَهْدِ وَ كَهْلًا وَ مِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ‌ (آل عمران 46)

And he shall speak unto mankind from the cradle and in old age; and be one of the righteous. (Al-Imran – 46)

This verse is about Jesus Christ. This is a verse from which we can deduce the return of Jesus from heaven to earth at the time of the revelation of Imam Mahdi (A). As many narrations from the sects have been narrated in this regard, Jesus (pbuh) will descend from the sky to the Earth at the time of the revelation of Imam Mahdi (A).

Jesus (pbuh) ascended to heaven in his thirties, while this verse says that Jesus (pbuh) speaks to people in old age, so this will surely happen at the time of his return from heaven. It is noteworthy that this expresses the miracle of Jesus (pbuh) who first talk while he was in the cradle, that this miracle is obvious, and he will speak in old age, while speaking in old age is not a miracle in itself, unless it happens in an amazing circumstance. That amazing situation is his return to earth and talking to people in old age.

All praise to God, Lord of the worlds.

Source adabestan marefat
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