The last Tawqi’ (written letter/command/decree) of Imam Mahdi (AJ)


“In The Name of God, The Beneficent, The Merciful”

The last Tawqi’ (written letter/command/decree) of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

The last letter that Imam Mahdi (AJ) wrote to his last “Nayeb” (representative – Someone who does something on behalf of another) Ali bin Muhammad Samuri is very short but important. This letter was before the complete occultation of Imam Mahdi (AJ) (Meaning the relationship to the Imam will be disconnected completely).

In The Name of God, The Beneficent, The Merciful. May God increase the reward of your friends who participate in your mourning because you will die within six days. So, get your work in order and do not nominate anyone to be your successor after you. Indeed, the great occultation has arrived (Meaning that the connection with the Imam will be completely cut off). And it will not be apparent until after God Almighty allows it. And it will be after a long time and after the people become hard-hearted and after oppression has taken over the earth. Some of our Shia followers claim to see us. So, whoever claims to see me before “Sufyani leaves”[1] and “Sayha”[2] (the shout (scream/bang)) is a liar. There is no Motion and Power except with God Almighty[3].

Muhammad Mahdi Me’marian

[1] -خروج سفیانی

[2] -صیحه

[3]– لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله

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