How old was Aisha when she married the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S)?


“In The Name of God, The Beneficent, The Merciful”

How old was Aisha when she married the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S)?

Based on very true and firm narrations, Aisha had a sister named Asma bint Abu Bakr, who was 10 years older than Aisha. At the time of Hijra (the Muslim migration (AD 622) from Mecca to Medina), Asma was 27 years old, so Aisha was 17.

Also, some Sunnis scholars say that Aisha was 4 years old at the Prophet Muhammad'(S) first revelation (AD 610), so at the time of Migration, she was 17 years old.

Some narration said she was married to Prophet Muhammad (S) in the first year of Hijra, some said in the second of Hijra and others said in the fifth of Hijra, so she was between 18 to 21 when she married Prophet Muhammad (S) not 9 years old as you see in some weak narrations.

Muhammad Mahdi Me’marian

Tag: Allah, God, Prophet Muhammad (S), Aisha,  Hijra, Marriage.

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