It is not possible that the Earth is empty of a perfect human (Imam of Time)


“In the name of God, the beneficent, the merciful”

“It is not possible that the Earth is empty of a perfect human (Imam of Time)”

I have not created mankind and jinn except to worship Me” (Al-Dharyat 56).

Being said, man is created to worship God. What does it mean to worship Him?

Does worship mean performing prayer and fasting? No, these are parts of the rituals and ceremonies of worshiping, not worship itself.

Imam Sadiq (A) said: “Worship is the essence of which, inwardly, is Lordship”.

Worship is a truth whose essence is deification. Worship means connection to Almighty God. It means to attain the attributes of Lordship.

The whole universe is created for Human. Human also came into being, for worship and connection to the Lordship! Now, if there is a time, even a second, when no human being remembers and worships God and no human being connects to God Almighty, the purpose of creation is disturbed. Because the world is for man and man is for worship!

So, there must always be, in all times, at least one person who is constantly connected to God, who has achieved the ultimate goal of creation. There is a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who says: “As long as there is someone on Earth who says Allah Allah, the world order is maintained”.

In the books of Hojjat, there are many narrations in this field. Not only Shia narrations, but also the divine intuitions of mystics, prove this.

“It is not possible that the Earth is empty of a perfect human (Imam of Time)” “It is not possible that the Earth is empty of a perfect human (Imam of Time)”

All praise is to God to the extent that He deserves it.

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