No One Can Establish a Religion Except “Prophets or Prophet’s Successor”


No One Can Establish a Religion Except “Prophets or Prophet’s Successor”

Narration from Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (A) to his companion Kumail: “O Kumail, Religion is belonging to God Almighty, so God does not accept that religion to be establish except by Prophets or True Successors of Prophets. O Kamil: This is the position of prophethood and mission of the Imamat. Others are either from the people of Welayat (Meaning that they follow Prophets or Imams) or they are oppressors, misguided or they are aggressors”.

Explanation: Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (A) refers to the situation of the usurpers of the Caliphate in this hadith and says that they are not allowed to establish the religion of God because the founder of the religion of God must have permission from God and such people are either Prophets, or successor of prophets. Therefore, no one other than these people can claim to establish the religion of God and open the country in the name of Islam and commit other crimes. Meaning, just as religion and its rules are from God, the executor of the rules of religion must also be from God. Others are either from the people of Welayat (Meaning that they follow Prophets or Imams) or they are oppressors, misguided or they are aggressors.

Therefore, the position of Imamat must be determined by God not people, such as prophecy, which is responsible for establishing the religion of God, otherwise it is not accepted by anyone else.

All praise is to God to the extent that He deserves it.

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